quinta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2007

Break time...

Hello everyone...
i am really sorry but this time i can really handle.
i am with to much work, the house and the kids, i am without "nanny" again and the new one, that this time is a portuguese but just can start in 2 weeks.
So i am tired but i must go on because i am really in love with this project, spend more time with my kids...but i am not happy because must ironning every single day that is one thing that i hate so much...
today i take the morning to clean the windows and redecorated again my atelier because e really need more space from now.
So to everyone that came here or to my flickr my apologise ...i am out just for a shortly time 2 a 3 weeks.

4 comentários:

Vera disse...

oLá, gostei do teu blog! onde está a tua lojinha ?

Vera disse...

oLá, gostei do teu blog! onde está a tua lojinha ?

Ana disse...

ola podes ver mais informacao sobre meu blog e produtos no flickr em http://www.flickr.com/photos/bubbles_company/

se precisares de alguma coisa e so contactares...muito obrigada

eu disse...

Querida. Tudo bem? Lanço-te um desfaio no meu blog. Um beijo